The iPhone Addiction

I have a love/hate relationship with my phone. My trusty iPhone X, to be exact.

I depend on my phone for SO much in my life, and I hate it for that reason. I know that I'm addicted to my phone. I mean, most people my age are. If you happened to look around in a public area like Slane or Wanek, then you would see every single person either holding their phone or actively on it. Guaranteed.

Check out this video to see what I mean...

At home, my dad is constantly on my sisters and I about being on our phones too much. If he hears the camera sound go off, he will yell, "What are you taking a picture of?! Why? What's the point!?" All questions coming from a man who does not understand the concept of Snapchat...

Those are fair questions, though. Why do I use Snapchat? I know it's dumb and pointless, but I conform anyway.

It's just... easy, I guess. Using my phone is very convenient when looking up directions, listening to music, talking to my friends, looking something up, using a calculator, setting alarms, calling my mom, organizing my calendar, taking pictures, setting reminders, and the list goes on and on and on.

I gave up all social media for Lent last spring, and it wasn't challenging at all. I didn't care about not being on Snapchat or Instagram, and I hardly use any other platform.

I would like to think I am slightly better than the average joe. Slightly "less addicted". In my experience, the younger you are, the more addicted. I don't use my phone as much as my younger sister does.

She is constantly on her phone, and it is incredibly agitating for me. I know for a fact that she could never go a day without her phone. I always want to just scream, "GET OFF YOUR PHONE. PUT IT AWAY. ENGAGE IN THE REAL WORLD AROUND YOU."

Of course, I don't yell at her because I don't blame her. She is simply a product of her time; however, I do my best to encourage her to put it away from time to time. To have lunch with her friend and leave her phone in the car. To look up in public places. Observe what is around you.

Random observations are the foundation of innovation and creation. We are limiting ourselves by only ever staring down.

Biggest takeaway here is to LOOK UP. Spend time away from your phone and make a conscious effort to engage in your surroundings. Many of us use our screen as a crutch when we feel awkward or nervous.

Get out of your comfort zone and off your screen.
