Fortnite is the new cocaine and parents are lazy

When browsing my Apple News app in search for an interesting article to write today's blog about, I came across an article titled, "Epic Games sued for not warning parents 'Fortnite' is allegedly as addictive as cocaine."

Essentially, two parents from Quebec claim that, "Epic Games needs to pay the price for a third-person shooter they allege is as addictive, and potentially harmful, as cocaine," and they are represented by Canadian law firm, Calex Legal.

They allegedly claim that when a person plays Fortnite for a long period of time, their brain releases dopamine which is a pleasure hormone. In addition, they claim that Epic Games worked on Fortnite with the intentions of making the most additive game possible just so they could profit. 

Is that illegal? Not necessarily; however, the attorney on this case is said to be basing his case off a 2015 Quebec Superior Court ruling that determined tobacco companies didn't warn the public of the dangers of smoking. 

And what is the real "danger" of Fortnite, you may ask? A disease called, Gaming Disorder, that in recognized by The World Heath Organization is your answer. 

Image result for gaming disorder
This is a visual representation of the Gaming Disorder.

In my opinion, this argument has very little merit. The issue that our brain releases dopamine while playing is not enough for me because there are so many other activities that release the same hormone. A text notification or an Instagram "like" both release dopamine into the brain, as well.

Therefore, Fortnite would be no more addictive than Instagram or our phones are in general. 

Perhaps, I could actually sue Apple for making iPhones addictive. I wonder if I would have a good chance going up against one of the biggest and most powerful companies in the whole world? Anyway...

In my opinion, everything is fine in moderation. Too much of anything is a bad thing. I think all of the concerned parents should stop blaming the company who made the game, and point their fingers back on themselves! 

I fully blame the parents for any so-called "addiction" their children have for Fortnite.

Just take away the game...

Sell your Xbox...

Only allow your child 30 minutes a day or something along those lines...

These parents are just being lazy. They should have complete control over how many minutes or hours their own child is playing Xbox. 

Parents, I'm calling you out. Take responsibility for your own child without placing blame on a company that's literal job is to make games that children really want to play. 

Step up, and take control.
