Google is taking over the world!

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It doesn't even sound like a brand name to me anymore. "Google" registers in my head as a normal word, like "search" or "online". 

"I found it on Google."

"I'll Google it."

It is really remarkable when you stop to think about it. I use Google every single day of my life; I can confidently say that. If I'm not using it on my computer to do homework, then I'm using it on my phone to look something up. If I'm not using the search engine, then I'm watching YouTube. In some way or another, I use Google everyday.

Thus, I can see why 48 states are investigating if Google has broken any anti-trust laws. In my opinion, Google has completely monopolized the internet. Everything I do on the internet is connected to Google in some way. 

Even though I could easily go weeks without thinking about that or really realizing it, I am really glad the fifty state attorneys general are starting to investigate. One company having the amount of power that Google has scares me. I don't think anything good can come out of it.

This is mainly because Google is essentially controlling what every person using their platform (which is everyone) is seeing and clicking on; therefore, Google is controlling how we think and which opinions we are exposed to. 

It mentions in the CBS News article titled, "48 states launch antitrust investigation into Google," that Google's "paid search ads are similar to a 'shakedown,' noting that [Basecamp] had to pay to make sure its service appeared before rivals' ads." So we see the information coming from whoever paid the most. It doesn't matter if that's the best information or the most helpful or honest information. We see whatever Google wants us to see... which could be anything! Not only could Google choose to put biased information at the top of their lists, they are more than likely choosing the information that they believe will create the most profit for them.

This is incredibly alarming, unethical, and corrupt. Google has too much control. Of course, there is no concrete proof that Google is brainwashing its users to make a profit; however, we really don't know which is why there is an investigation. 

Earlier I mentioned how it would be easy for me to go weeks without thinking twice about how frequently I use Google. The takeaway here for me is TO THINK TWICE. 

Think twice before believing the first site that pops up on my phone, double check information on multiple sources, find out where the information is really coming from, and stay conscious of the amount I rely on one single company. 

If you're reading this, you might be getting brainwashed by Google, too. Take this as a warning from a fellow user. Always think twice before trusting Google to give you honest, unbiased information. 

Stay skeptical! 
