Don't go to war, Trump.

My interest was sparked when I stumbled upon an article titled, "Trump Says He Has 'Many Options' on Iran" on an anti-war website. This was for a couple reasons...

Number one being why does this article feel so nonchalant? The way it is written plus the quotes said by Trump combine for a very laid back feeling article about a topic that is anything but laid back... war! Arguably the least chill or laidback topic imaginable.

Trumps is quoted saying, "we'll see what happens." 

Image result for trump shrugging

I can picture him shrugging while saying those words as if he is just brushing the issue off. It is all very unspecific and broad. The article suggests that Trump is possibly going to impose a number of new sanctions against Iran. It states, "He was not specific about what that would mean, beyond it being 'substantial'." Again, the way this is worded sounds so relaxed and casual. Trump gives us hardly any information and just seems to throw claims out there like he isn't speaking about WAR.

Clearly, it bugs me.

Number two is how inconsistent Trump has been on this topic of Iran. It mentions in the article that Trumps sees a "full-scale war against Iran as the ultimate option," but then mentions how he has many other options that are "a lot less than that." 

"A lot less than that."

What does that mean? What is a lot less than a full-scale war? Pretty much anything, I would think. This is, again, very unspecific, and to add, it is very inconsistent with Trump's earlier comments that suggested he did not want war. 

This specific article really did bug me because it doesn't serve any purpose. There are no solid quotes that have any information, and the quotes given are all contradictory. 

I do not think we have any business going into a full-scale war with Iran. I don't think it would be just, or the best option for our country. Certainly, I hope that Trump is thinking way more into his decisions than he is portraying through these quotes. 

Trump, if you ever see this, don't shrug off this issue. Don't go to war. 

Thanks! xoxo
