
I'm going to write this weeks blog post about Gatekeeping.

Gatekeeping is the process through which information is filtered for broadcasting, disseminating, etc. Basically, it is the activity of controlling the general access to something.

Many factors go into gatekeeping in the news and media including time of year, location, and current events.

People living in Northern Canada will receive broadcasting relevant to Toronto instead of news related to the weather in Hawaii.

This is why we don't see news about our troops in Iraq anymore. We haven't seen coverage on that story in over 10 years because it isn't considered relevant today. The majority of news today is completely centered around President Donald Trump because that is what most people what to stay up to date on.

Image result for gatekeeping in the media
Gatekeeping cartoon

I found this cartoon to be pretty funny but also very interesting. It is displaying mainstream media as the "bad guys" (of course) and bloggers as the people just trying to get the facts out there to the public.

Although I definitely agree that bloggers can be unfairly censored when powerful people in the media don't like or agree with what they are saying, I am not convinced this is the complete truth.

With social media being as popular as it is and Influencer Marketing being the up and coming trend, more and more people are becoming their own form of "bloggers." Regular young men and women just like you and me are getting on their iPhones, laptops, iPads etc, and writing about their opinions, thoughts, and perspectives.

I think that is awesome, and I believe we all benefit from being exposed to multiple perspectives. However, peoples' thoughts, opinions, and perspectives are anything but objective, unbiased, and always factual like they are displayed as in the cartoon above.

In fact, as we have learned in this class, people on Twitter or other websites similar are often mistaken when sharing information and accidentally share wrong information to hundreds sometimes thousands of people.

This is the only reason I have issues with this cartoon, specifically. I agree that bloggers are unfairly "gate-kept", if you will, but I don’t agree that they are always objective and only share the facts.

This is just my take on the whole concept on Gatekeeping in the media.

Like many controversial topics, I find myself somewhere in the middle of the mess...

